Garden 祖母綠9K金戒指

NT $ 12,500
NT $ 8,000


「天空一色蘋果綠,天空是陽光下舉著的綠色美酒,月亮是其中一片金色的花瓣,她睜開她的眼睛,綠瑩瑩地,眼波閃耀,像未綻的花蕾一般純,初綻,首次展放。」—大衛·赫伯特·勞倫斯《綠》.The dawn was apple-green,The sky was green wine held up in the sun,The moon was a golden petal between.She opened her eyes, and greenThey shone, clear like flowers undoneFor the first time, now for the first time seen.—“Green” by D.H. LawrenceK金,925純銀,彩寶,珍珠,實驗室培育鑽石,輕奢珠寶,jewelry,戒指,rings

金戒指 寶石 鋯石 祖母綠 GARDEN 9K
